Fierce, Majestic And Deadly: All About Birds Of Prey

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

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Birds of prey are large, predatory birds with sharp talons and hooked bills that are known for their strength, freedom, and survival

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They are also known as raptors. Birds of prey use their feet to catch their prey

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Birds of prey have keen eyesight that allows them to see prey from a distance

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Some examples of these majestic birds include harpy eagle, Philippine eagle, Bald eagle, hawks, falcons etc.

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They have sharp, curved talons for grasping and killing prey. They also have strong, hooked beaks for tearing flesh

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Birds of prey are classified in two orders: Falconiformes and Strigiformes

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The magnificent Andean condor is the world's biggest bird of prey, with a wingspan maxing out at around 3.2m, and weighing up to 15kg

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Birds of prey are apex predators and play an important ecological role in maintaining the environmental health of their natural habitats

Image: Pexels

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