Foods That May Increase Risk Of Cancer

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05 July 2024

Cancer is a complex disease. There are many different types of cancers, as well as many potential causes

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Genetic makeup and family history play a role, however, external factors like your lifestyle habits have an even bigger impact 

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One of the most important lifestyle factors to consider is your diet. So, here's a closer look at specific foods and beverages that may increase your risk of cancer 

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Processed meats: Any type of meat that's been preserved by smoking, salting, curing or cunning is a major risk factor for colorectal cancer, per Healthline 

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Fried foods: Fried starchy foods are high in acrylamide, which according to a 2018 study, was found to be carcinogenic 

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Overcooked foods, especially meats, can produce carcinogenic PAHs. This substance may increase the risk of cancer by altering the DNA of your cells 

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Dairy: There's some evidence that dairy may increase the risk of prostate cancer. Dairy foods include products like milk, cheese and yoghurt 

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Alcohol: When you consume alcohol, your liver breaks down alcohol into acetaldehyde, a carcinogenic compound

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Sugar and refined carbohydrates: Sugary foods and refined carbs can increase your risk for cancer. Some examples of these foods include white bread and baked goods

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Extremely hot beverages: Drinking beverages at extremely high temperatures is linked with esophageal cancer risk 

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