It is essential to cut down on calories and fat while planning your weight loss diet. So, here are some foods that you should avoid to promote weight loss
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French fries and potato chips are high in calories and fat, which could contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess. It's best to enjoy these foods in moderation
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Sugary drinks like soda can negatively affect general health. If you are serious about losing weight, consider limiting your intake of sugar-sweetened beverages
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White bread has a high glycemic index and has been linked to overweight and obesity
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Candy bars are high in sugar, refined flour, and added oils. They are also high in calories, but not very filling
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Fruit juice is high in calories and added sugar, but usually contains no fibre. It is best to stick to smaller portions or choose whole fruit
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Pastries, cookies, and cakes are high in calories and added sugar. Limiting your portion sizes or opting for other sweet snacks may help with weight management
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If you are trying to lose weight, you may want to consider cutting back on alcohol or enjoying drinks like wine in small amounts
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Store-bought ice cream is high in sugar and calories. Sticking to smaller portion sizes of ice cream can be beneficial if you're trying to lose weight