From Mercury To Sun, 10 Solar System Facts

Image: NASA

6 June 2024

The universe holds countless mysteries. Get ready to have your mind warped by these incredible space facts

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Newborn neutron stars are cosmic speed demons, spinning up to 60 times a second! They can also crank that up to a mind-blowing 600 times per second

Video Credit: X/@wonderofscience

Space is quiet! Sound needs air to travel, but space is a vacuum with no air. So sound waves can't move around, making space super silent.

Image Credit: Unsplash

According to NASA, there are zillions  of uncountable stars

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No air on the Moon means no erosion! It's a natural time capsule, preserving Apollo footprints and gear for millions of years

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Our Sun is a heavyweight! It packs a whopping 99% of the entire solar system's mass.

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In space, bare metal can forge a permanent bond thanks to a process called cold welding

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The dwarf planet Ceres holds the distinction of being the most massive object within the asteroid belt.

Video Credit: X/@CassiniSaturn

A day on Venus is a marathon, not a sprint! It takes a staggering 243 Earth days for the planet to complete a single rotation on its axis

Image Credit: Unsplash

Jupiter's Great Red Spot, a swirling storm raging for centuries, is mysteriously shrinking!

Image Credit: NASA

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Saturn's moon, Iapetus, is famous for its dramatic two-toned appearance

Image Credit: NASA

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Image: NASA