Full List Of Long Weekends In 2025

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25 January 2025

The public holiday calendar for this year is filled with endless opportunities for going on long weekends, as several key holidays fall on a weekend

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Here's a breakdown of the upcoming long weekends in 2025 so that you can plan your travels in advance

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There are no holidays or festivals in February. However, Valentine's Day falls on a Friday. So, if you take February 14 off, you will get a long weekend from Friday to Sunday 

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March 14 to 16 (Friday-Sunday) - There is a three-day long weekend in the second week of March starting from Friday, March 14, on the occasion of Holi

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March 29 to 31 (Saturday-Monday) - Eid-ul-Fitr/Ramzan Id falls on March 31, Monday. Gudi Padwa/ Ugadi is on March 30, Sunday

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April 18 to 20 (Friday-Sunday) - Good Friday falls on April 18, Friday. Easter is on April 20, Sunday

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May 10 to 12 (Saturday-Monday) - Buddha Purnima falls on May 12, Monday

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August 15 to 17 (Friday-Sunday) - Independence Day falls on August 15, Friday. Janmashtami is the following day

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September 5 to 7 (Friday-Sunday) - Milad-un-Nabi or Id-e-Milad (Birthday of Prophet Mohammad) and Onam fall on September 5, Friday

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October 18 to 20 (Saturday-Monday) - Diwali (Naraka Chaturdasi) falls on October 20, Monday

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