Golden Poison Frog: Most Poisonous Animal On Planet

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The golden poison frog is considered the most poisonous animal in the world, despite its small size

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Native to the rainforests of Colombia, it's also known as the golden dart frog or golden poison arrow frog

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Its poison is 20 times stronger than any other dart frog and contains enough poison to kill 20,000 mice or 10 people

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Even touching the frog can be dangerous. It is endangered due to habitat destruction

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Some snakes and birds have developed a resistance to its poison and are natural predators of the frog

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Male golden poison frogs carry their tadpoles on their backs until they are ready to hatch

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The golden poison frog is one of the few poison dart frogs that are used in traditional hunting

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Hunters use a blowgun to shoot the poison-tipped dart, which kills birds and larger animals quickly

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