Government's Advisory To Combat Fake News

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25 March 2024

Disinformation and fake news have become an increasingly visible global phenomenon

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Fake news is any article or video containing untrue information disguised as a credible news source

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It is often created to influence views or for other ulterior motives

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While fake news is not unique to the internet, it has become a big problem in today's digital world

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Therefore, to alert the public, the government has shared five ways to spot fake news

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The government first asked users to check the source and always be wary of strange domain names or websites

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Users should also try to “read beyond” the headline as these can be outrageous in an effort to get clicks. “It is imperative to read the entire story,” PIB said

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People should also ensure that the information is from trusted sources like government authorities and websites

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Look for supporting sources. Cross-verify whether the story has been covered by other media outlets, the government wrote

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The last step is to always be mindful of what one is sharing online. ''Don't forward posts or stories without verifying them,” the government added

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