Head Cut Off, This Chicken Survived For 18 Months

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24 April 2024

Nearly 80 years ago, a farmer in the US beheaded a chicken in Colorado, but it refused to die

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He had named the bird Mike, and it survived for 18 months (April 1945 - March 1947) and became famous

Image: X/@TurnbullDa488

But how did he live without a head for so long? Read on to find out about the reason

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After beheading it, the farmer named Lloyd Olsen put the chicken in a box and was amazed to find it still alive the next morning

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According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, Mike survived because a part of its brain was not severed

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Most of a chicken's brain is located in the back of its head, behind the eyes

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Olsen lobbed off most of Mike's head but parts that controlled breathing, digestion, and other bodily functions survived

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He exhibited the headless rooster at fairs, carnivals and other public events

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Olsen fed the chicken by dripping water and liquid food into his esophagus with a dropper and removed mucous from his throat with a syringe

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Mike died on March 17, 1947, while on tour in Phoenix, Arizona, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica

Image: X/@TurnbullDa488

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