Health Benefits Of Apples

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: Pexels

Apples are a nutritious fruit that may help with digestion, brain health, weight management, and more

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Apples contain pectin, a soluble fiber that promotes regular bowel movements and may help prevent diarrhea

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Pectin can also lower cholesterol, which may reduce the risk of heart disease

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Research also suggests apple intake may significantly reduce Body Mass Index (BMI), a weight-related risk factor for heart disease

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Eating apples regularly may also reduce your chance of type 2 diabetes

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Antioxidants in apples may offer beneficial effects against certain types of cancers, including lung, breast, and digestive tract cancers

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Antioxidant-rich apples may help reduce airway inflammation related to allergic asthma

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Research suggests that eating apples may help reduce the chance of getting gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

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