Health Benefits Of Dragon Fruit

Image: Pexels

15 Feb 2025

Rich in antioxidants
Dragon fruit contains antioxidants that help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

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Low in calories
Dragon fruit is low in calories which makes it a great snack for those looking to maintain or lose weight.

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Boosts immune system
Dragon fruit can strengthen the immune system as it contains Vitamin C. It also aids in the prevention of colds and other infections.

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Skin health
Vitamin C in dragon fruit is vital for collagen production which helps with skin elasticity.

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Hair health
Dragon fruit contains iron which is responsible for carrying oxygen to your hair's roots.

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Improved gut health
Prebiotic fibres in dragon fruit feed the good bacteria in your gut, thereby improving the microbiome.

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 Manage blood sugar
Fibre in dragon fruit can slow down digestion and the absorption of sugar, potentially helping manage blood sugar levels.

Image: Pexels

Supports heart health
Presence of antioxidants, fibre, and some levels of iron can improve the cardiovascular health.

Image: Pexels

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