Health Benefits Of Eating Kiwi Everyday
By: EjazUlHaqBhat
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Kiwis are a powerhouse of vitamins that can help keep your heart and digestive system healthy
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Eating kiwis can also increase the amount of protective plant compounds you consume
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They are not only tasty and easy to eat but also highly nutritious. There are several health benefits of kiwi fruit
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Kiwis have been linked to reduced blood clotting and blood pressure regulation through the reduction of blood fat levels
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The kiwi is rich in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system. The kiwifruit supplies around 230% of the daily necessary amount of vitamin C
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Kiwis are also abundant in antioxidants, which help the body eliminate free radicals and reduce oxidative stress
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This might ultimately shield the body against diseases and inflammation
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Kiwis are low in calories, protein, and fat, and they're a good source of fiber
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