Health Benefits Of Muskmelon

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: Pexels

Muskmelon offers numerous health benefits, including boosting immunity, promoting hydration, and much more

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This summer fruit contains very few calories and is rich in fibre, vitamin A, folate, potassium, protein and vitamin C

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Muskmelon contains potassium which makes it beneficial for your blood pressure numbers

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High fibre and water content of muskmelon also contribute to controlled blood pressure numbers

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Water and fibre content of muskmelon is good for your digestive system. It can also help you prevent constipation

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Eating muskmelon can help in regulating bowel movement and also leave a cooling effect on your stomach

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Muskmelon is also good for your skin. High amount of antioxidants can help in purification of skin

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Muskmelon's high water content (around 90%) helps keep you hydrated, especially during hot weather

Image: Pexels

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