Here's Why We Throw Coins In Fountains

Image: Reuters

31 March 2024

Across the globe and throughout history, people have tossed coins into fountains, wishing wells, and rivers in hopes of attracting good fortune

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The act of throwing coins into fountains is a tradition observed by many, often witnessed during childhood, and partaken in by countless individuals as a superstition

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While its origins remain unknown, the tradition can be traced back to Roman-British and Celtic mythology

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One of the oldest examples of a wishing well resides in England's Northumberland County in England where people made offerings to the goddess Coventina, according to researchers at the UC Irvine

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Anthropologist said many cultures previously used offerings such as food, special stones, carved artifacts and herbs. But people switched to money between 500 BCE and 600 BCE

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Coins often feature images, texts, and symbols that are especially suitable for rituals

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“It's not so much about the payment, but how the coin itself has a quasi-magical property people think comes with it,” anthropologist Bill Maurer told CNN

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Mr Maurer said that coins has a connection of sovereignty and represents a token of authority

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People have flocked to other well-known wells and waters throughout history

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The superstition also crosses cultures and income levels

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