History Of International Workers Day

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28 April 2024

Labour Day, also known as May Day, or International Workers Day, is marked every year on May 1

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It aims to encourage the working class to be conscious of their rights. Labour Day also recognises and honours the contribution of workers across the world

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The idea to celebrate Labour Day stems from the labour union movement in the United States in the 19th century

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On May 1, 1886, around two lakh workers called for a nationwide strike demanding an eight-hour workday

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Later, the protest took a violent turn in Chicago where it led to the Haymarket Affair

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The Haymarket Riot was spared after a peaceful meeting at the Haymarket Square in Chicago was bombed. The incident had claimed the lives of many protestors and police officers

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In 1889, the International Socialist Conference designated May 1 as Workers' Day to commemorate the Haymarket incident

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The day was then celebrated for the first time on May 1, 1890

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Today, Labour Day is celebrated in over 80 countries including India. In 1923, May Day was celebrated for the first time in India

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It was observed by The Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan in Chennai

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