Hoodfishing: Latest Dating Trend In New York

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11 August 2024

A new dating trend has emerged in New York City called "hoodfishing"

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Hoodfishing is a term used to describe the act of misrepresenting one's location on online dating profiles, particularly in New York City area

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It involves individuals from surrounding areas, such as Long Island or New Jersey, claiming to live in NYC 

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They simply do this to appear more desirable or attractive to potential matches

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This phenomenon is similar to "catfishing," where people fabricate online personas, but specifically relates to falsifying one's location

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The phenomenon was brought to light by comedian Jared Fried on TikTok

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He noted that the practice led to frustrating dating experiences, as would-be suitors struggled to coordinate meetups due to their dates' actual location

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Hoodfishing can lead to difficulties when trying to coordinate dates, as the actual distance between individuals may be much greater than initially thought

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His expose has resonated with many, highlighting the absurdity of digital dishonesty in the pursuit of love

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However, many women said that putting their location as NYC on their dating app profiles increased their matches

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