How A Queen Bee Is Chosen

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: Pexels

Queens are made, not born. Any fertilised egg has the potential to become either a queen or a worker

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Males, known as drones, develop from unfertilised eggs. Its destiny is determined by how it is raised

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A worker bee is reared in one of the many thousands of identical, hexagonal, wax-walled compartments of the honeycomb

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A queen, on the other hand, develops in a spacious brood chamber called a queen cell, which bulges out from the honeycomb

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Once the queen larva is fully developed, the worker bees cap the queen cell, and the queen emerges after about 15 days

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A newly emerged queen bee will take a mating flight to mate with multiple drones

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Future queens are fed exclusively on royal jelly throughout their development

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The royal jelly is a secretion from glands on the heads of adult worker bees 

Image: Pexels

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