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How Christians Around The World Observe Good Friday
28 March 2024
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Good Friday is a significant day for Christians around the world as it commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ
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This Christian holiday is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Great and Holy Friday, and ftmms Friday.
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Here are some examples of Good Friday traditions from around the world
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In the Philippines, people engage in processions called "Senakulo," depicting the Passion of Christ through reenactments. These processions include floats, statues, and people dressed as Roman soldiers
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In Mexico, Good Friday is observed through the enactment of the "Via Crucis," also known as the Way of the Cross. The streets are filled with processions, and people carry a statue of Jesus on the cross
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In Spain, people take part in "Semana Santa," a week-long observance preceding Easter. On Good Friday, they engage in processions known as "La Madrugada"
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In Italy, individuals join the "Via Crucis" procession, a symbolic reenactment portraying the events preceding the crucifixion
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In Germany, individuals observe "Karfreitag," a solemn church service. Fasting is practiced on this day, and certain communities hold quiet processions as part of the tradition
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