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08 March 2024

Mumbai is a megalopolis, spread across 6,328 square kilometres and with a population of over 26 million

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But it was once a collection of islands, seven to be exact. The city was then known as Bombay

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The seven islands that were merged to give shape to Mumbai are Bombay, Parel, Mazagaon, Mahim, Colaba, Little Colaba and Worli

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At that time, these islands were inhabited by fishing and other communities, each having unique cultures and traditions

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They were governed by indigenous rulers, but only till the Portuguese came into the picture

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The city of Bombay (now Mumbai) came into existence using embankments, flattening of hills and rubble dumped into marsh

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After India's Independence, the city underwent tremendous transformation in terms of urbanisation with a massive influx of people

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The name Mumbai is derived from the name Mumbadevi, the Hindu goddess worshipped by the Koli community

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The word 'ai', meaning mother in Marathi, was added, thus becoming Mumbai

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It became the capital of Maharashtra in 1960, and is also the financial, commercial and entertainment capital of India

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