How Much Does The Earth Weigh?

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9 April 2024

The earth is smaller than many other planets but its weight is enormous enough to baffle human imagination

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However, it's important to remember that when we talk about the ‘weight' of the Earth, we're really referring to its mass

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Weight is the force exerted by gravity on an object, and since Earth is floating in space, it doesn't actually ‘weigh' anything in the traditional sense

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Just like humans weigh much less on the moon than we do at home, Earth doesn't have just one weight

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However, as per NASA, the best estimate for Earth's mass  is 5,970,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms

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This estimate has been refined over time through advancements in technology and methods

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Since Earth is too big to be placed on a scale, scientists use mathematics and the laws of gravity to figure out Earth's weight

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The Earth's mass also fluctuates slightly due to the addition of space dust and gases leaking out of our atmosphere

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The initial estimates were made using observations of planetary motions and applying Newton's law of universal gravitation


Knowing Earth's mass is important as it helps scientists understand many aspects of our planet and its interactions in space

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