How Space Affects Human Body

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

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Space travel exposes people to a completely different environment of weightlessness, posing a range of physiological and psychological challenges

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It significantly affects the human body, leading to muscle and bone loss, cardiovascular changes, and potential vision problems

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Long-duration space travellers experience dizziness, nausea and unstable gait when they return to earth

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Balance disruption happens to every astronaut, even those who go into space just for a few days

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For their safety, astronauts are often placed in a chair immediately on their return to earth

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Astronauts also suffer what is called "baby feet" - the loss of the thick part of the skin on the soles that become baby soft

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Gravity plays a critical role in regulating bodily functions. Its absence in space triggers widespread physiological adaptations, experts say

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Without gravity, bodily fluids shift upward, leading to facial swelling and increased intracranial pressure, which can affect vision

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The lack of gravity also causes bone density loss. To counter this, astronauts need strict exercise regimen

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Long-duration space missions require astronauts to live in confined and isolated environments 

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This, experts say, can lead to psychological stress, sleep disturbances, cognitive performance declines and mood disorders

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For short-duration missions in low-Earth orbit, about 95% of the biological damage sustained appears to be reversed upon return

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For astronauts who spend months aboard the International Space Station, recovery appears proportional to their time in space

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