How To Survive These Animal Attacks

Image Credit: Pixabay

Here are some methods that may help you survive if you have an encounter with a wild animal

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The first step, when having an encounter with these animals, is to always stay calm and try to slowly back away

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Bear: For grizzlies, lay flat on your stomach and play dead. If it's a black bear, fight back aggressively using any means necessary

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Shark: Try to retreat gradually so as not to make a splash. If the shark attacks, aim for its eyes, snout or gills. Using everything at your disposal as a weapon, try to get out of the water as quickly as you can

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Snake: If you are bitten, try to remain still to prevent the poison from spreading. Immobilize the bitten limb and seek immediate medical assistance

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Mountain Lion: Refrain from running or turning away from the mountain lion. To project a bigger, more menacing image, stand tall, wave your arms and make loud noises. Fight back if necessary

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Crocodile/Alligator: If attacked on land, try to get away by climbing a tree or moving to higher ground. Try to gouge its eyes or strike its nose with anything you have to defend yourself if it attacks you underwater

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Jellyfish: If stung, rinse the affected area with vinegar to neutralize the stingers. Remove tentacles with tweezers or a credit card, avoiding direct contact with your skin. Soak the area in hot water for 20-45 minutes to alleviate pain

Image: Pixabay

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Image Credit: Pixabay