Indian Astrologer Predicts Exact Date Of World War 3

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18 June 2024

With the devastating impacts of the first two world wars still etched in global memory, the idea of another large-scale conflict is both terrifying and compelling

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Many astrologers, including Nostradamus and Baba Venga, have made predictions about World War 3 but its possibility remains uncertain

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But now, an Indian astrologer, dubbed "New Nostradamus", is gaining attention online after predicting that the start of World War III is mere days away

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Kushal Kumar, a Vedic astrologer who claims to foresee world events, revealed the date he thinks a global war will break out

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“Tuesday, 18 June 2024 has the strongest planetary stimulus to trigger WW3. although 10 and 29 June may have a say as well,” he said

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Mr Kumar uses charts that show planetary alignment to make forecasts about future events, per Daily Star 

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Earlier, he predicted the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash last month

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The astrologer also cited a series of current events to justify his claim, including the recent terror attack on pilgrims in Jammu and Kashmir 

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He even talked about the shots fired at the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea and the conflict between Israel and the Islamist group Hezbollah 

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"Watch the developing war scenario in hotspots across the globe as days pass by," Mr Kumar said

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