Interesting Facts About Antarctica Wildlife

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

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One of the driest, coldest and darkest places on earth, Antarctica is a land of extremes, a frozen desert of incredible beauty and isolation

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Antarctica is the only continent without native land mammals, reptiles, or amphibians

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However, its icy seas, icebergs, and snow-driven deserts are home to a wide range of marine wildlife and birds

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The most common birds in Antarctica are penguins. It is home to 18 different species, including the emperor penguin

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During the summer months, marine wildlife turn up in Antarctica on a grand scale, the likes of which is not seen anywhere else on the planet

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The wildlife of Antarctica are extremophiles, having adapted to the dryness, low temperatures, and high exposure

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Besides penguins, the coldest place on earth is home to some of the most well-known animals on earth, including leopard seals, orcas, albatross and blue whales

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There are more than 9,000 known animal species in Antarctica, including 46 species of birds 

Image: Pexels

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