Interesting Facts About Fishing Cat
By: EjazUlHaqBhat
Image: Pexels
The Fishing cat is a small cat of medium size and stocky build, with short legs, a short tail, and a face that is round but elongated
Image: Pexels
They have an olive-grey coat that has a pattern of rows of parallel black spots which will often form stripes on their back
Image: Pexels
Fishing cats are solitary and nocturnal hunters that rest during the day
Image: Pexels
They are very strong swimmers and can swim large distances, often while pursuing a fish
Image: Unsplash
When it swims, the Fishing cat is able to use its flattened, short tail like a rudder, to help control its direction
Image: Unsplash
One remarkable feature is the layered structure of their fur, a crucial adaptation to life in the water
Image: X/@VagrantTravels
Next to the skin lies a layer of short hair so dense that water cannot penetrate it
Image: X/@ParveenKaswan
They have partially webbed toes on their front feet, which helps them scoop up fish
Image: X/@lifeonearth360