Interesting Facts About Peale's Dolphin

By: EjazUlHaqBhat


Peale's dolphins are small cetaceans with a stocky body and a very small beak


Adult Peale's dolphins are dark gray to black in colour with lighter shading on the flanks


Peale's dolphins are known to ride the bow waves of large vessels and may swim alongside smaller ones

Image: Pexels

Although this species is known to swim slowly on occasion, they are agile and acrobatic swimmers

Image: Pexels

Peale's Dolphins are the only dolphin outside of the Cephalorhynchus genus that don't whistle

Image: Pexels

The species is named after Titian Ramsay Peale, an American explorer, artist, and naturalist who first noted the species in 1848

Image: Pexels

They have been observed using group hunting techniques like encircling

Image: Pexels

They gather in small groups of between 5 and 20 individuals, but sometimes they can be seen in groups of 100 or more

Image: Pexels

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