International Friendship Day: History And Significance

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29 July 2024

The International Day of Friendship is observed on July 30. This day honours friends and their important role in improving our lives

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Friends make life so much easier, whether they are going on a trip with us or are just listening to our issues and offering advice

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The day was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN General Assembly

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They wanted to promote the idea that "friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities"

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The UN encourages governments and organisations to hold events and activities that support global efforts to advance mutual understanding, reconciliation, solidarity

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As per UN, we continue to face issues such as poverty, human rights abuses, and others that undermine security, development, social harmony, and peace among people

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By celebrating the day, we must aim to establish strong ties of trust with each other to ensure that we together eradicate all those factors that threaten a peaceful future

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This initiative is also significant as it walks on the proposal made by UNESCO

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It defines the culture of peace as a set of values, behaviours and attitudes so that it could reject violence and prevent conflicts by addressing their root causes

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