Plastic Bag Free Day: Say No To Plastic

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3 July 2024

International Plastic Bag Free Day is celebrated every year on July 3 to create awareness of the adverse effects of the use of a single plastic bag on the environment

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This day serves as a crucial reminder of the need for collective action against plastic waste

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Though plastic bags are convenient and widely used part of our everyday lives, they can also be a major source of environmental pollution

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Plastic bags take hundreds of years to decompose, endanger wildlife, and increase pollution which eventually disrupts the natural flow of the ecosystem

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They can also degrade soil quality, clog drainage systems, disrupt recycling processes, and contaminate waterways

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Not just that, use of plastic bags is one of the major reasons for marine life deaths. Around 100,000 marine creatures die every year from plastic entanglement 

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Approximately 1 million seabirds die from eating plastic because plastic cannot be broken down by the digestive system in living beings

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Plastic production emits greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change, a major threat to both humans and wildlife

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On International Plastic Bag Free Day, individuals are encouraged to take small but impactful steps to reduce their plastic footprint

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We can do our bit by recycling, composting plastic waste, and refusing plastic packaging to help create a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come

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