Islands That Were Expected to Be Doomed, But Survived

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03 July 2024

Low-lying tropical island nations were predicted to be early victims of rising sea levels

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However, recent research by the New York Times reveals a surprising story: many islands remain stable, and some have even grown. The surprising discovery highlighted island nations like the Maldives

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Scientists are studying this phenomenon to understand the future of these nations

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Even if not completely submerged, atoll countries face challenges like choosing which islands to preserve and how to create a sustainable future with limited resources

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Their situation may be a microcosm of challenges faced by many places on Earth

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The researchers want to answer a more profound question: what does the future hold for these atoll nations if complete submergence isn't their immediate fate?

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If some islands become uninhabitable while others remain viable, atoll governments will face agonising choices

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Beyond the idyllic image of swaying palms and pristine beaches, atolls hold a deeper fascination for scientists

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A recent study of 184 Maldivian islands revealed a complex picture: nearly half exhibited erosion, while a similar proportion remained relatively stable

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Researchers are utilizing aerial and satellite imagery to assess changes in island size and shape over time

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