Kailasa Temple: World's Largest Monolithic Structure

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: X/@4biddntruth

The Kailasa Temple, also known as Cave 16, is a temple in the Ellora Caves in Maharashtra

Image: X/@DalrympleWill

It is the largest monolithic rock-cut structure in the world. It is 300 feet long and 175 feet wide

Image: X/@aestheticsofBH

The temple was built from top to bottom, using chisels and hammers, without scaffolds

Image: X/@Pegasus10000069

It was carved out of a basalt cliff that is over 100 feet high. It is decorated with intricate sculptures

Image: X/@Pegasus10000069

The temple is considered one of India's greatest monuments

Image: X/@Pegasus10000069

The temple was cut in 'U' shape about 50 metres in the back, and about 2,00,000 tonnes of rock was removed to give shape to it

Image: X/@Pegasus10000069

It is also the largest temple of the 34 cave temples at the site, including Buddhist, Hindu and Jain temples 

Image: X/@bharatkemandir

Collectively, these temples form the Ellora Caves and are spread over 2  kilometers

Image: X/@earth_tracker

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