KM Nanavati Case: India's OJ Simpson?


US athlete OJ Simpson, who was acquitted of the murder of his ex-wife and a male friend, has died at 76.

Image: AFP

The 1995 trial is popularly referred to as the "trial of the century" and had Americans glued to their screens for a year.

Image: AFP

The trial was similar to the infamous 1959 case in India - the KM Nanavati case.

KM Nanavati, an Indian Navy Commander, was accused of murdering his wife's lover Prem Ahuja.

His wife Sylvia fell in love with Ahuja while Nanavati was out on missions.

Image: Pixabay

After she confessed about the affair to her husband, the Naval Commander confronted Prem Ahuja.

According to Nanavati's statement in court, he asked Ahuja whether he intended to marry Sylvia.

When Prem Ahuja said no, Nanavati fired three shots at him. Immediately after, he went to a police station and confessed his crime.

Despite his confession, Nanavati was declared 'not guilty' by a jury. The jury's verdict was later dismissed by the Bombay High Court.

The trial received unprecedented media coverage and has inspired several books and movies.

In 2016, Akshay Kumar starred in the movie 'Rustom' which detailed how media reports on the Navy officer influenced the jury.

This was the last case to be heard as a jury trial in India, as the government abolished jury trials soon after.

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Image: Pixabay