Loudest Animals In The World

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There are many loud animals on this planet and can produce sounds upto 230 decibels

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Here are seven of the loudest animals in the world

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Sperm whales are considered the loudest animals on Earth, capable of producing sounds as loud as 230 decibels in short bursts

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Pistol shrimp or snapping shrimp, are among the loudest animals in the ocean, capable of producing sounds up to 210 decibels

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Blue whales, one of the loudest animals on Earth, can produce sounds as loud as 188 decibels 

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Greater bulldog bat, one of the loudest animals in the world, is capable of producing sounds up to 140 decibels

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Howler monkeys are considered the loudest land mammal in the world, producing howls that can reach up to 140 decibels

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Kakapo is the loudest bird in the world, which are capable producing sounds up to 137 decibels

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Cicadas are among the loudest insects in the world, capable of producing sounds up to 107 decibels

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