Meet Devin, World's First AI Software Engineer 

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US-based start-up Cognition has launched what it calls the world's first AI software engineer- Devin

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The AI software engineer is capable of writing code, crafting websites and developing software with just a single prompt

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It can develop and deploy apps from start to finish and even train and refine its own AI models

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The AI agent is equipped with its own command line, code editor, and browser which helps it to operate independently

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It has successfully passed several engineering interviews from leading AI companies and also completed real jobs on Upwork

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Devin AI is also immune to human errors or inconsistencies, and capable of guaranteeing precision and uniformity in coding practices 

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According to Cognition, Devin "correctly resolves 13.86 per cent* of the issues end-to-end, exceeding the previous state-of-the-art of 1.96 per cent

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Devin isn't designed to replace human engineers but to seamlessly collaborate with them

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Experts say Devin can be used for mundane tasks, while human engineers can address more complex issues and prioritise innovation

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Other popular AI-powered tools that help with coding are OpenAI Codex, GitHub Copilot, Polycoder, CodeT5, Tabnine

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