Meet Golden Lancehead: Extremely Venomous Pit Viper

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: X/@remramones

The golden lancehead is a venomous pit viper native to Ilha da Queimada Grande, an island off the coast of Brazil

Image: X/@angelan49555542

The island-dwelling golden lancehead snake is one of the most venomous snakes in the world

Image: X/@remramones

They live in a variety of habitats on the island, from rocky hills to subtropical forests

Image: X/@byroncbriggs

It has light yellowish-brown underside and lance-like head shape 

Image: X/@dyktrivia777

Its venom can cause kidney failure, internal bleeding, and tissue death 

Image: X/@WhatTheFFacts

Their venom contains hemotoxic venom that helps the snake digest their food

Image: Pexels/Representational

These snakes measure between two and four feet as adults

Image: Pexels/Representational

These snakes have a sharply angular head that is reminiscent of a spearhead, and yellow-gold eyes with elliptical pupils

Image: Pexels/Representational

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