Meet The Charming, Yet Fearsome Sea Predator

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: X/@aquaticlifeotd

The sea angel is a swimming snail that has an angelic appearance but is actually a prowling sea predator

Image: X/@aquaticlifeotd

Sea angels have a transparent, gelatinous body, and are usually 1-2 cm long

Image: X/@aquaticlifeotd

They have a pair of wing-like structures called parapodia that they use to propel themselves through the water

Image: X/@aquaticlifeotd

Sea angels are predators that eat other swimming snails, especially sea butterflies, which are a close relative

Image: X/@aquaticlifeotd

They can be ambush predators, lying in wait for prey, or they can actively hunt


They use tentacles to grab their prey, and then use buccal cones to extract the prey from its shell


Sea angels are strong swimmers that can move twice as fast as their prey

Image: X/@seacreature_otd

They can beat their wings once or twice per second, but can increase their beat frequency to pursue prey

Image: X/@seacreature_otd

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