Meet The "Flying Cow" Of Amazon
By: EJazUlHaqBhat
Image: X/@tomcassaro
The hoatzin is a large, bulky bird that is sometimes called the "flying cow" of the Amazon because of its unique digestive system and wing claws
Image: X/@OurNatureRocks
This avian marvel is also known as the stink bird, the skunk bird and the reptile bird
Image: X/@SIlahiye
Hoatzins have short, rounded wings, a long tail, and a distinctive crest of reddish-brown feathers
Image: X/@nantangnandu
They are about the size of a pheasant or small turkey, with a blue face and bright red eyes
Image: X/@ed_lamon
Hoatzins have a large crop, a specialised digestive organ where bacteria ferment the leaves they eat, similar to a cow's digestive system. This process gives hoatzins a strong manure smell
Image: X/@redpilledhawk
Young hoatzins have wing claws on the ends of their first and second fingers, which they use to climb through trees and plants
Image: X/@myrmecoPhil
They are excellent swimmers and can use their clawed wings to climb back to their nest
Image: X/@lvlexico
Hoatzins make chuffing and grunting noises. To defend themselves, they hiss, hoot, and yelp at predators
Image: X/@lvlexico