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11 March 2024

For decades, we have known the blue whale as the largest and heaviest animal of all. It's 100 feet in length and weighs more than 200 tons

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But the mammal has been dethroned by a recently discovered cetacean that was shorter but possibly even heavier

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Named Perucetus colossus, it swam along the coast of ancient Peru more than 37 million years ago

Image: Nature

The discovery was made by University of Pisa paleontologist Giovanii Bianucci and colleagues

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It is believed that the whale was 60-feet-long and may have weighed more than 300 tons

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Its skeleton was discovered among the rocks of the Ica Valley in southern Peru

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Scientists said that the animal's bones were so large that they looked more like boulders

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It belonged to a group of whales that were active predators, munching on larger prey like fish

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However, the weight estimates are complicated by the body proportions of the Perucetus

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Some paleontologists have argued that this would have made the animal impossibly dense

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