Meet The Longest Living Animals On Earth

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Animals with the longest lifespans possess characteristics that delay, occasionally even halt, or even reverse the ageing process

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The real-age champions are found in water, frequently at very deep depths with steady, predictable circumstances. Here is a list of the longest-living animals

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Hydra has the potential to live forever. They are composed of stem cells, which regenerate continuously, allowing them to age without deterioration

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The jellyfish may reverse their life cycle several times. Given the appropriate circumstances, they might never die from old age

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Like corals, sponges are formed by animal colonies that may survive for thousands of years. The longest-living sponges on Earth are glass sponges

Deep-water black corals are among the most lasting corals. The corals discovered off the Hawaii coast were dated to be 4,265 years old

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The cold-seep species of tube worm in the Gulf of Mexico lives up to 200 years, and some survive for over 300 years

Image: U.S. Geological Survey

Greenland sharks can grow to be 24 feet and can have a maximum life span of at least 272 years

Freshwater pearl mussels have long life spans due to low metabolism and can live up to 250 years

With a maximum life span of at least 205 years, the Rougheye Rockfish is one of the longest-living fish

Image: NOAA Fisheries 

Bowhead whales are the
longest-living mammals and may
live for more than 200 years

Image: WWF

Red sea urchins, which live in shallow coastal waters, probably live more than 100 years and up to 200 years

Image: Shutterstock

Image: Unsplash

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