Meet The Most Dangerous Sea Creatures 

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Beaked sea snake or hook-nosed sea snake is a highly venomous species of sea snake common throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific

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Box jellyfish have tentacles covered in biological booby traps known as nematocysts - tiny darts loaded with poison

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Blue-ringed octopuses are extremely venomous species of octopus that are found in tide pools and coral reefs in the Pacific and Indian oceans

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Stonefish are the most venomous fish known. Their stings can be fatal to humans. They are found in the coastal regions of the Indo-Pacific

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Tiger shark is one of the shark species most likely to attack a human unprovoked, and is considered one of the most dangerous sharks in the world

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Cone snails possess a harpoonlike tooth capable of injecting a potent neurotoxin that can be dangerous to humans

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Bull Shark are known to be aggressive towards humans and are thought to be one of the most dangerous shark species in the world

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Lionfish are venomous as heir spines, tentacles, and fins contain venom glands, which can deliver a painful sting that can last for days

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