Mosquito Diseases That Can Be Deadly

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3 May 2024

Being surrounded by mosquitoes can be irritating and troublesome, not just because of their buzz, but also because of mosquito bites

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What makes mosquitoes even more harmful are the bacteria, viruses and parasites they transmit, thereby causing diseases

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According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), mosquito bites result in more than one million deaths every year, malaria being one of the major causes of death

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Here are some the mosquito-borne diseases that one should be aware of 

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Malaria causes symptoms like fever, headache and chills. It can be fatal if not treated immediately, as per US CDC

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Dengue typically causes mild illness, however, in severe cases, it can cause intense headaches, muscle and joint pain, high fevers and sometimes death 

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Chikungunya can cause high fever, joint and muscle pain, and headache. Several vaccines are in development but there's no specific treatment for the disease

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Zika virus is often asymptomatic but can cause muscle and joint pain, headache, fever, rash and conjunctivitis. In some cases, it can be fatal or cause severe disease affecting the brain

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Yellow fever can cause mild illness but in severe cases, it can cause organ failure. It can be fatal, but it can also be prevented by getting vaccinated

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West Nile Virus is typically asymptomatic but in some cases, it can cause fever, rash and muscle aches. West Nile can also cause serious brain and spinal cord inflammation

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