Mosquitoes Are Using Infrared To Track Humans Down

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07 Sept 2024

Mosquitoes are attracted to humans due to their smell, breath, and exposed skin

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A new study published in journal Nature reveals mosquitoes use infrared sensing through their antennae to find hosts

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Mosquito bites can transmit diseases like dengue, yellow fever, Zika, and malaria, causing numerous deaths

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Researchers from UCSB found that mosquitoes use infrared detection along with other cues to locate hosts

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Female mosquitoes, which bite, were studied using thermoelectric plates to simulate human skin temperature

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Infrared detection alone didn't attract mosquitoes; it worked only in combination with CO2 and odor

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The infrared sensors in mosquitoes' antennae use the temperature-sensitive protein TRPA1 for detection

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Removing the TRPA1 gene made mosquitoes unable to detect infrared radiation

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Findings explain why exposed skin attracts mosquitoes and why loose clothing offers protection

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This research could lead to advanced mosquito traps using thermal radiation to reduce disease transmission

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