Most Colourful Frogs In The World

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: Pexels

Frogs come in many colours, including bright blue, red, orange, and green

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Their colours can help them blend into their environment or escape predators

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Here are some most colourful frogs in the world

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Poison dart frogs are known for their bright colours, which include yellow, orange, red, green, and blue

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Amazon milk frogs are known for their striking colours and patterns. Their skin is light gray with dark brown or black bands

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Red-eyed tree frogs have bright green bodies, white bellies and throats, blue sides with white borders, and bright red or orange feet

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Strawberry poison dart frogs are known for their striking colours. They can be red, blue, green, black, or a combination of these colours

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Green bright-eyed frogs are vibrant with bright green skin and piercing eyes. They are native to Madagascar

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