Most Common Phobias Across The World
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Phobia is an intense fear of something, like heights, needles or certain animals, that causes significant distress
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There are many things people are afraid of. Here are the most common phobias
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Acrophobia is a fear of heights. People with it feel anxious just a few feet above the ground. Some might feel dizzy when looking down from a skyscraper
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Cynophobia is a fear of dogs. Seeing, thinking, or coming in contact with a dog causes extreme anxiety in many who suffer from this condition
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Claustrophobia is a phobia where one fears closed spaces. It can be triggered by tight spaces such as elevators, small rooms, or tunnels
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The severe fear of needles is known as trypanophobia. This phobia specifically affects those who are scared of needles or blood draws
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Aerophobia or fear of flying causes people severe stress and anxiety before or during a flight
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Mysophobia or fear of germs, causes people to engage in extensive cleaning, repetitive hand-washing, and even avoidance of objects or places that appear dirty
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Ophidiophobia is a fear of snakes. This fear is frequently linked to evolutionary factors, personal experiences, or cultural influences
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Astraphobia is an extreme fear of thunder and lightning storms. It is more frequent in children but may also affect adults
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