Most Elusive Big Cat Species Found In India

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

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The snow leopard is a rare and elusive big cat that lives in the high altitudes of Himalayas

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This large cat is well-adapted to the cold, rugged terrain of the Himalayas. It has thick fur, large paws, and a long tail that helps it balance on steep slopes

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The Asiatic lion is only found in the Gir Forest National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary in Gujarat

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The park's dry deciduous forests, grasslands, and rocky hills provide an ideal habitat for these lions

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The Asiatic caracal is very rare in India, with little photographic evidence of its existence. It has a long, slender body, golden fur, and large ears with black tufts of hair

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The Eurasian lynx is a rare cat in India, with sightings being very uncommon

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The big cat is difficult to spot because it is crepuscular, meaning it is most active in the morning and evening

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The marbled cat is considered one of the most elusive big cat species in India. They live in dense forests and are rarely seen


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