Most Poisonous Birds In The World

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In the avian world, toxicity is a rare trait. Only a handful of bird species are known to be poisonous

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Here's the list of the most poisonous birds in the world

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The hooded pitohui, found in New Guinea, is one of the world's most poisonous birds.

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Its skin and feathers contain batrachotoxin, a neurotoxin that can cause burning, numbness, and itchiness

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The European quail can be poisonous to humans during their autumn migration

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Quails become poisonous when they eat hemlock seeds while migrating south across the Mediterranean

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The little shrike thrush is a small songbird from Australia that can be poisonous if it eats certain foods

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The blue-capped ifrita is a poisonous bird that stores batrachotoxins in its skin and feathers, which can cause skin irritation and numbness

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