Most Popular Yoga Asanas And Their Benefits

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A Yoga Asana is a body posture that is performed to benefit both body and mind.

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If regularly practised, these asanas help increase flexibility by stretching and lengthening muscles.

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Every single yoga pose has its own benefits and can do wonders for your health.

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Tadasana: It builds awareness of posture and body alignment. Also, it promotes mental focus and calmness besides strengthening the posture

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Balasana: It relaxes the back, neck, and shoulder, as it stretches the lower back and hips. It also eases stress and tension. The pose also eases symptoms of headache, migraines, and PMS.

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Svanasana: This asana lengthens and decompresses the spine, stretches the hamstrings, strengthens the arms, and calms your mind.

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Bhujangasana: This asana increases blood circulation in the body and gives flexibility to the body. Doing this asana daily can help strengthen the digestive system and increase lung power.

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Sukhasana: It Reduces anxiety, stress and mental tiredness. It also corrects body posture and stretches the chest and spine.

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Phalakasana: This position is best for building core strength, improving body posture, and increasing flexibility in the shoulder, arms, and legs.

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Sarvangasana: The bridge pose is the best to strengthen your core and back.

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Trikonasana: It improves the flexibility of spine; it also helps with the alignment of shoulders, relieves back pain and stiffness in the neck area.

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Vrikshasana: It has numerous benefits to the brain, immunity, spine, and stability.

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Malasana: This asana improves digestion, promotes hip flexibility and also strengthens the lower body

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