NASA Planning Lunar Base On Moon's South Pole

Image: NASA

22 July 2024

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is planning to establish a lunar base named Artemis Base Camp near the moon's south pole

Image: NASA

The planned outpost will include an unpressurised rover for local transport, a pressurised rover for extended trips, an a surface to  accommodate up to four astronauts

Image: NASA

The base will also require infrastructure for communications, power, radiation shielding, waste disposal, and storage

Image: NASA

The Shackleton-de Gerlache Ridge area is considered a prime location due to its sunlit rims, which remain illuminated for over 90% of the year

Image: NASA

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Image: NASA

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Image: NASA

Only 12 people — all of them white men — have set foot on the Moonap to four astronauts

Image: NASA

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Image: NASA

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Image: NASA