Norway's Pulpit Rock: A Must-See Natural Wonder

Image: X/@Rainmaker1973

6 June 2024

Pulpit Rock or Preikestolen is one of Norway's most iconic and awe-inspiring natural wonders and a popular hiking destination

Image: Instagram/liliechelon

Standing at a majestic height of 604 meters, it overlooks the serene Lysefjord, offering a view that seems to stretch into infinity

Image: Instagram/maixspax

The steep and rugged cliffs plunge straight down into the crystal-clear waters below. Lonely Planet has described it as "one of the world's most spectacular viewing points"

Image: X/@Rainmaker1973

The spot is a haven for photographers and nature enthusiasts alike, providing a unique opportunity to capture the raw beauty of Norway's landscape

Image: Instagram/maciasek_96

More than 300,000 nature-loving hikers visit the renowned rock formation every year

Image: X/@GreenHopeXC

In total, the 8-kilometer hike takes about 4-5 hours. The trail includes swampland, forests, and stone stairways built by Nepalese sherpas

Image: X/@GaryLammin

Preikestolen grew in fame when it was featured in the sixth 'Mission Impossible' film, starring Tom Cruise

Image: X/@ItsDannyGamer

For the premiere of the film, 2,000 people hiked 4 kilometres (2.4 miles) to the cliff to see it projected by lasers at night

Image: X/@Philognosia

Deaths from falling off Pulpit Rock are relatively rare considering the high number of visitors

Image: Instagram/liliechelon

However, recently, a man in his 40s died after falling from the cliff. An eyewitness stated the man slipped and fell from the cliff

Image: Instagram/liliechelon

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Image: X/@visitnorway