Rebecca Syndrome

Rebecca Syndrome: The Relationship Term Explained

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8 May 2024

India Travel

Checking out our partner's ex on social media is quite normal--something that we all have done

Have No Fear, Cats With Jobs Are Here

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Rebecca Syndrome

However, it becomes a problem when when we become obsessed and resort to agressively cyber-stalking them

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Rebecca Syndrome

Such behaviour is known as 'Rebecca Syndrome' wherein people become fixated with their partners' ex

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Psychologists define it as pathological jealousy, with individuals constantly comparing themselves to their partner's ex

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The syndrome takes its name from a 1938 novel 'Rebecca' by Daphne du Maurier


It follows the story of a woman who marries a widowed man and becomes obsessed with the memories of his first wife

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The syndrome can take a considerable toll on the person, and can result in anxiety, insecurity, erosion of trust and emotional self-sabotage

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Such a person may engage in controlling or intrusive behavior, such as checking their partner's messages or trying to isolate them 

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They also may have suspicion regarding their partner's past, believing that their ex remains a threat to the current relationship

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Emotions stemming from jealousy and online comparisons can impede their ability to enjoy their current relationship and be in the present

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Possibility of having 'Rebecca Syndrome' grows if a person has low self-esteem or their partner makes comparisons between them both

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Talk therapies are an effective way to work through these feelings and thoughts and resolve them

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