Oldest Monuments In The World

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22 July 2024

Exploring historic structures is one of the best ways to connect with the past 

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From megaliths to tombs, these ancient structures provide insight into the beliefs and lifestyles of our ancestors. Here are some of the oldest monuments in the world


Gobekli Tepe is the oldest monument in the world. It is a collection of buildings and pillars in modern-day Turkey. The site is linked with the Neolithic Revolution

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Pakistan's Mehrgarh is around 9000 years old. The city represents one of the world's oldest examples of farming, herding, and metallurgy

Image: X/@culturaltutor

The Cairn of Barnenez, France, is one of the oldest buildings in the world and possibly the most significant ancient structure for studying Western culture

Image: Stetson University

The Ozieri culture built the Monte d'Accoddi in Italy, approximately 6000 years ago. It is a large stone platform built above the surrounding plains that serves as an altar

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The Maltese island of Gozo has the earliest of the Megalithic temples of Malta, the Ggantija. The temples are older than the pyramids of Giza

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Dholavira in India, is one of the ancient Indus Valley civilisation sites. The city's water system and cemetery reveal a civilisation with deep cultural roots

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Stonehenge in England was built between 3000 and 1520 BCE. With each stone weighing almost 25 tons, the monument is quite magnificent

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