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Only 7 Countries Meet WHO Air Quality Standards

23 Mar 2024

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Only seven countries meet the WHO air quality standard for PM2.5, according to the report by IQAir, a Swiss air quality organisation

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PM2.5, emitted by vehicles and industry, poses health risks, including respiratory issues and death

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Most nations fail to meet WHO standards, with pollution worsening due to economic activity and wildfires

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Pakistan ranks as the most polluted country, with levels over 14 times the WHO standard

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Canada experienced record wildfires, making it the worst for PM2.5 last year

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China saw a 6.5% increase in PM2.5 levels amidst an economic rebound post-Covid-19

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Air pollution claims 7 million lives annually, particularly affecting developing countries reliant on dirty fuels

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The most polluted urban area in 2023 was Begusarai, India, with the four most polluted cities there

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Even the revised WHO guideline of five micrograms per cubic metre may not fully capture risks

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Solutions include promoting walkable cities, cleaner energy, and improved air quality monitoring globally

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